Trust the Future to Those Willing to Lead

Trust the Future to Those Willing to Lead

With the NCUA passing a proposed rule 2-1 requiring succession planning at all federally insured credit unions, Randy Karnes shares his thoughts on what “broad discretion” actually means and what credit unions should be focusing on.

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The Dates That Can Change Your Career

The Dates That Can Change Your Career

If you’re not making note of the dates that can change your career, you’re falling behind those who do. Randy Karnes shares his thoughts on how leaders identify opportunities to shine and then put the work in.

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Crafting Approaches to How You Delegate is the Key to How You Respond to Your Board

Crafting Approaches to How You Delegate is the Key to How You Respond to Your Board

Randy Karnes discusses how leaders can use their approach to delegating to assist in reporting to their boards and breaks down his personal formula.

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The Four Primary Challenges Facing Credit Union CIOs Today and How to Address Them

The Four Primary Challenges Facing Credit Union CIOs Today and How to Address Them

CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes discusses what he believes to be the four major things CIOs should be focusing on ensure their credit unions stay up-to-date and in the game.

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Leadership Is Influence, Not Mandate

Leadership Is Influence, Not Mandate

CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes explains why relying on formal powers is not the mark of a good leader. Rather, true leadership comes from investing in others’ agendas and inspiring them to achieve more.

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Credit Union Success Belongs to the People

Credit Union Success Belongs to the People

CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes responds to the NACUSO article “Do CUSOs Really Make a Difference”, and suggests that CUSOs have less to do with credit union success than the mentalities of the people that make them up.

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Why Do Today’s Credit Union Thought Leadership Topics Create Doubt About the Future?

Why Do Today’s Credit Union Thought Leadership Topics Create Doubt About the Future?

Are today’s credit union thought leaders helping or hurting the industry they hope to inspire? Randy Karnes addresses the risk of piling on expectations and best practices on credit unions, and the anxiety it might be creating.

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Harnessing the Power of Cooperation and Collaboration

Harnessing the Power of Cooperation and Collaboration

CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes discusses the power of harnessing the power of collaboration and cooperation, and why it needs to be approached as an effective business design for win-win outcomes.

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Why Should We Do Our Best to Change the NCUA Board Member Selection Approach?

Why Should We Do Our Best to Change the NCUA Board Member Selection Approach?

In this op-ed originally appearing in Tell Me Why I’m Wrong, Randy Karnes explains why CUSOs need to step up and take a bigger role in the NCUA board member selection process for the sake of the industry at large.

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The Five Keys to Internet Retailing

The Five Keys to Internet Retailing

What does it take to be a great internet retailer? CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes shares his top 5 traits that every person should have to find success online. So stay aggressive, don’t dally, default to action, and read on!

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