Elder Financial Exploitation: How to Detect and Respond

Elder Financial Exploitation: How to Detect and Respond

Scams and fraud targeting the elderly are more prevalent than ever, so how can credit unions be on the lookout for suspicious activity regarding their older members? Marvin Johnson shares some red flags to look out for and how to take action.

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Suspicious Activity and Fraud: Warning Signs to Watch Out For

Suspicious Activity and Fraud: Warning Signs to Watch Out For

Credit unions need to cover a lot of ground when it comes to compliance and regulations. Thankfully, Marvin Johnson has some advice on where you should be focusing your time and efforts.

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Why Fraud Happens

Why Fraud Happens

Employee fraud is unfortunately all too common in the credit union industry. But why does it happen? Auditing and compliance expert Marvin Johnson gives some background on the psychology of fraud so we can better prevent it.

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