How to Read Your Financial Statements
Esteban Camargo continues his series on financial literacy with an introduction to financial statements. You don’t need to be a CPA to understand them–anybody can benefit from being able to comprehend their organization’s financial status via their balance sheet and income statement!
Now You Know Your ALMs
It’s Financial Literacy Month and Esteban Camargo is here to teach you how to sing your ALMs. Part one is a veritable alphabet soup of credit union acronyms and terms that might be confusing.
Board Entrenchment and the Question of Compensation and Term Limits
Credit unions struggle with finding new board members, but that might be the design of an entrenched board of directors. Esteban Camargo discusses the risks of director entrenchment and what leaders might do to combat it.
Talk Is Cheap, NCUA Involvement Isn’t
NCUA is going to discuss credit union succession planning, and credit unions may come to regret it, says CUSO Mag Supervising Editor Esteban Camargo. Is NCUA involvement a good thing or will it just be one more expense line?
Credit Unions: Banks for Children
CUSO Mag’s Esteban Camargo discusses the Hollywood perception of credit unions, and the hurdles the industry faces to overcome common misconceptions among consumers.
Surrogation: The Monster Lurking in Your Data
Are your key performance indicators Frankenstein’s monster? CUSO Magazine’s Esteban Camargo explains the perils of surrogation and how credit unions can avoid the trap of metrics running away with strategy.
Takeaways from the 2021 CU*Answers Leadership Conference
CU*Answers held its Annual Leadership Conference discussing the future of the industry and of CU*Answers as it moves forward into 2022. Check out the key takeaways from each section of the event!
How Cooperatives Cause Disruption In Any Industry
As cooperatives, credit unions are well aware of the ways they benefit to members. The same can be said of the cooperatives that serve those same credit unions, says CUSO Magazine Supervising Editor Esteban Camargo.
Bankers Asking NCUA to Extend Comment Period for Proposed CUSO Rule
After the proposed CUSO lending rule change approved in January by the NCUA Board, bankers are asking for more time to comment.