Need Some Additional Revenue? Paging Your Plastics Vendors
Your credit union’s credit card program is more valuable than you might think, and plastics vendors know it. Ed Jesionowski shares a few examples of how credit unions leveraged that worth to bring in additional revenue.
The Coterminous Advantage
Negotiating vendor contracts all at once may seem overwhelming, but Ed Jesionowski argues that it gives the credit union a great advantage in the long run.
Coronavirus Could Speed the End of Cash
Ed Jesionowski ponders the future of mobile and contactless payments in a post COVID-19 world, and asks if our newly ingrained social distancing habits will mean the end of cash.
Success by Sharing
Sharing is the name of the game when it comes to credit unions. So how did two credit unions find new ways to share and cut costs? Ed Jesionowski tells all.
The Advantages of Cash Back Debit Cards
Are debit card cashback programs something to be feared or embraced? Ed Jesionowski dives into them and why they may make sense to implement at your credit union.
What Does a Successful Credit Card Portfolio Look Like?
For the past 29 years, the number one earning asset in the credit union industry has been the credit card portfolio. During the best and worst of times, by FAR the most consistent generator of revenue has been the credit card. So why aren’t credit unions pushing them more?