Choosing an EFT Vendor for Card Processing
EFT vendors are not one size fits all when it comes to what your members and your credit union need. Heather French walks through some considerations to keep in mind when choosing a vendor and how you can find the right partner for your credit union.
The Coterminous Advantage
Negotiating vendor contracts all at once may seem overwhelming, but Ed Jesionowski argues that it gives the credit union a great advantage in the long run.
What Is a SOC Report and Why Do You Need One? (Hint: Don’t Put It in the Laundry!)
Christen Lipschutz breaks down the various SOC reports, what’s in them, and how they can be beneficial for your credit union.
Managing Critical Vendor Relationships: More Process Than Tool
Having a vendor management tool can be a great boon, but it’ll take a sound plan and policy to manage your vendor relationships effectively. Jim Vilker shares his thoughts on what a good policy and procedures need to succeed.
Is Your Credit Union Interested in a Third Party Loan Origination System?
Pete Winninger of Lender*VP details how CU*Answers integrates third-party loan origination systems into its flagship platform to support their credit unions.
Things to Consider When Switching Form Vendors
There are a number of reasons a credit union might look to make a switch when it comes to their form vendor, but what should they consider before taking the plunge? Nick Hawkins has a few ideas.
Recommendations for Choosing a Technology Services Vendor
Deciding on technology vendors is a complex and important process. To help you make the right choice, Matt Sawtell has compiled a list of things to consider when choosing which vendor will work best for your credit union.
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