Planning Your Mobile App Strategy: Why It’s Important for Your Credit Union

Planning Your Mobile App Strategy: Why It’s Important for Your Credit Union

Modern-day members expect 24/7, on-the-go access to their finances, meaning a credit union’s mobile app is more important than ever. Kristian Daniel lays out a strategy for keeping your mobile app useful, updated, and in the hands of your members.

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Take a Step Back to Plan Your Backup Strategy

Take a Step Back to Plan Your Backup Strategy

Chris Shelton know that when it comes to planning your credit union’s backup and retention plan, it can be difficult to understand all the components that go into storing data and what will work best for your credit union. Thankfully, he’s here to help you figure it out.

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ACH: The Past, Present, and Future

ACH: The Past, Present, and Future

As the demand for faster direct deposit and electronic payments increases, the Automated Clearing House is working meet expectations. Jeff Miller dives into the history of ACH and how it plans to keep up with future advancements.

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Recommendations for Choosing a Technology Services Vendor

Recommendations for Choosing a Technology Services Vendor

Deciding on technology vendors is a complex and important process. To help you make the right choice, Matt Sawtell has compiled a list of things to consider when choosing which vendor will work best for your credit union.

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Going Paperless: Remote Notaries, eNotaries, and Overcoming the Final 10%

Going Paperless: Remote Notaries, eNotaries, and Overcoming the Final 10%

In a follow-up to his lessons on going paperless, John Beauchamp covers why that last 10% of the process is so difficult to overcome, even when the technology is there and ready to use. Notarization may be the next domino to fall.

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The Evolution of Currency: Person-to-Person Payments

The Evolution of Currency: Person-to-Person Payments

From bartering how many how many apples a sheep is worth to sending payments electronically via our phones, person-to-person transactions have come a long way. Nicole Cooper discusses the benefits of these new methods, and how credit unions and members can get the most out of them.

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Software Updates: How Much Is Too Much?

Software Updates: How Much Is Too Much?

With the amount of technology we have in both our personal and professional lives, Bob Colburn wonders if we can ever go a day without an update of some kind, and how to judge when we’ve hit the limit.

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How Online Is Your Credit Union? Do You Have a Branch at the North Pole?

How Online Is Your Credit Union? Do You Have a Branch at the North Pole?

According to Kyle Karnes, mobile and online banking technology have made it possible to establish a completely virtual credit union from just about anywhere – even the North Pole. Is it time for your credit union to make the trek?

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Why Financial Disruption is an Attractive Fintech Opportunity

Why Financial Disruption is an Attractive Fintech Opportunity

Chip Filson details why high barriers to entry are forcing new innovation to take less traditional forms in the financial industry.

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An Evolving Perspective on Credit Union Tools

An Evolving Perspective on Credit Union Tools

As a 40-year credit union veteran, Mary VanAntwerp has seen a lot of changes in the way credit unions adapt new technology. As the tools change – so do her expectations and opinions of what they should do.

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