The Overdraft Issue

The Overdraft Issue

Overdraft fees have long been the topic of debate, with the CFPB looking to severely limit or get rid of them entirely and credit unions, in return, looking to get rid of the CFPB entirely. But there are two sides, maybe even three, to every story. Emily Claus examines the overdraft issue, the various perspectives on it, and what potential outcomes there might be.

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CFPB’s Proposed Overdraft Fees Rule Lauded by Some, Condemned by Others

CFPB’s Proposed Overdraft Fees Rule Lauded by Some, Condemned by Others

The CFPB’s proposed overdraft rule, which would affect the largest credit unions and banks, is praise from consumer rights advocates. Banks and credit unions, however, are standing united in opposing the rule, reports David Baumann.

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Credit Unions Vs Banks: Finding My Financial BFF

Credit Unions Vs Banks: Finding My Financial BFF

Long-time bank customer and recent credit union industry employee, David Boden, wonders if his money really is better off with a credit union over a bank and goes on a informational journey to finally learn which is best for him.

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