Supporting Real-time Payment Networks During Business Continuity Events

Supporting Real-time Payment Networks During Business Continuity Events

As we wrap up Business Continuity Week, Bob Anderson shares how you can set your credit union’s infrastructure up for success to keep critical functions such as real-time payments accessible during business continuity events.

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Milestone: Corporate One Federal Credit Union Celebrates Connecting 18 Credit Unions to RTP Network, with Robust Growth Anticipated in 2024

Milestone: Corporate One Federal Credit Union Celebrates Connecting 18 Credit Unions to RTP Network, with Robust Growth Anticipated in 2024

Corporate One Federal Credit Union, an industry leader in immediate payments, announced today that it connected 18 credit unions to the RTP® network in 2023 via its Third-Party Service Provider (TPSP) solution.

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The Future of Payments: RTP & the FedNow® Service

The Future of Payments: RTP & the FedNow® Service

Kendra Erickson explains the differences between the Clearing House’s RTP payment rail and the newly implemented Federal Reserve’s FedNow® Service payment rail, and what the future might hold for instant payments.

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