Considering a Merger? Don’t Let Your Data Processor be the Last to Know
Mergers can be a lengthy and complex process, and with some much going on, notifying vendors can end up taking a back seat. Melissa Hammel stresses the importance of communicating with your data processing partner early on and keeping them informed down the line.
In the Market for a New Core Processor? Get a Writer’s Opinion!
A writer may not be the first person you’d think to go to when debating a core change, but Alycia Meyers disagrees. Documentation is a essential when looking to convert, and this writer may just be able to point you in the right direction.
Core Conversions Through the Eyes of a Programmer
As programmers know, going through a core conversion can raise a lot of questions about the methodology and behind-the-scenes work. Diving into her programming expertise, Debra Finkbeiner shares the conversion process from a programmer’s perspective and what obstacles they may face during the transition.
Considering a Core Conversion? Here Are Some Things to Know Going In
Melissa Robinson knows there’s nothing quite like undertaking a core conversion, so to simplify the process, she’s offering a few ideas on how your credit union can stay committed and on top of the project.