Names Circulating for Biden’s CFPB, as NCUA Board Membership Remains Uncertain
With the election, change is coming to the NCUA and the CFPB, says David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily. Biden is expected to remove the current CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger and there are seven names that come up often as possible replacements. The party balance of the NCUA is going to be determined by the Senate, although Biden may change the chairman.
What to Consider When Forming a CUSO
CUSOs are formed for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes for access to tech, sometimes for lowered costs, sometimes for shared resources, and sometimes even all three. Scott Page shares some considerations credit unions should think through when forming a new CUSO.
Get Connected with Marketing Content Manager, Esteban Camargo
CUSO Magazine sat down with Esteban Camargo, Manager of Communications and Content Marketing for CU*Answers to learn more about his role in the organization and how he assists credit unions.
Cooperative Trade Associations Need to Evolve with the Times
Trade Associations have had a critical role in the credit union industry over the years. Chip Filson is concerned though that they may be resting on their laurels, and have failed to evolve with an ever changing industry. What does the future hold in store for them?
Toeppe Named NCUA Director of Examination and Insurance
Myra Toeppe has been named director of the Office of Examination and Insurance at the National Credit Union Administration, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.
Have Members Seen ALL the Alternatives?
When voluntary mergers are proposed, do members of the absorbed credit union deserve more say in where their members’ equity should go? Vic Pantea thinks so. He looks at the potential merger of Xceed Financial Credit Union and Kinecta FCU and wonders what should happen to $95M in equity.
Suspicious Activity and Fraud: Warning Signs to Watch Out For
Credit unions need to cover a lot of ground when it comes to compliance and regulations. Thankfully, Marvin Johnson has some advice on where you should be focusing your time and efforts.
Banks and Credit Unions Don’t Merge, Stop Saying Otherwise
Saying a credit union “merged with” instead of “acquired” a bank may seem trivial, but Chip Filson doesn’t think so. He says it blurs the lines between the two different financial institutions and weakens the cooperative nature of credit unions.
CUNA’s Nussle: PPP Loans Causing Net Worth Problems at Credit Unions
David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports that PPP loans are remaining on credit union balance sheets for longer than expected, causing regulatory headaches for credit union officials, according to CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle.
Solving the Millennial “Problem”
Millennials (and now Gen Z) have become the boogeymen of credit union marketing. Esteban Camargo suggests that the solution to the “problem” might mean credit unions need to take a tougher look at themselves first.