NCUA’s Dire Warnings for NCUSIF: Credit Unions Must Pay Attention
Does the NCUA Board have a solid grasp of the NCUSIF? Chip Filson doesn’t believe so, and warns that credit unions must watch over their investment more carefully or be swept away in rampant government spending.
Credit Unions, Businesses Say PPP Loan Forgiveness Process is Daunting
As businesses and credit unions move into the Paycheck Protection Program’s loan forgiveness process, they are reporting that it is so complex and burdensome that they have had to spend valuable time and resources on the paperwork, reports David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily.
A Benefit for Credit Unions with a Conscience in Community Development Carla Decker, the CEO of DC Credit Union, discusses her credit union’s commitment to community and how the COVID-19 crisis has affected her certified CDFI shop.
COVID-19: How to Protect Your Members’ Mobile and Online Banking
In her second article on mobile banking during the pandemic, Barb Cooper discusses the rise in mobile banking scams, what your credit union can do to protect members, and what your members can do to protect themselves.
FinCEN Extends Money Laundering Rules to Non-Federally Insured Credit Unions
FinCEN has released a final rule requiring banks and credit unions that are not regulated by the federal government to comply with Anti-Money Laundering regulations, reports David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily.
The Keys to a Successful Member Onboarding Process
How is your credit union welcoming new members? What processes do you have set up? Victoria Thornton urges credit unions to reach out regularly through a number of channels to update and inform new members.
Five Keys to Good Customer Service Part Four: Hands-On Learning
In the fourth installment of her series on good customer service, Morgan VanEnk covers a vital technique to training new and old team members: hands-on learning.
Merger or Acquisition: The Importance of Word Selection
Merger, acquisition, are they really that different? Chip Filson thinks so, and says bank acquisitions are not in the interest of existing members.
Credit Union Trade Groups Renew Push for Member Business Loan Cap Increase
David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports on credit union trade groups who are renewing their call for Congress to lift the credit union Member Business Lending cap, saying the limit is an arbitrary restriction that keeps financial institutions from providing crucial assistance during the coronavirus economic crisis.