What We Learned at RSA: Breach Response is as Important as Breach Prevention
Approximately 45,000 people attend the RSA Conference each year, one of the largest cybersecurity conferences nationwide. CU*Answers attends each year to learn the latest trends in cybersecurity technology, attack vectors, and compliance. In this series, we summarize what we learned to help our network remain current regarding cybersecurity events and report confidently to their boards, members, and examiners. This article discusses how and why having a well-tuned and tested incident response plan is a critical component of your cyber information security program.
What to Do with a Denied Loan
Is your credit union defaulting to no on loan applications and working its way up to a yes? In this article, Geoff Johnson takes a more in depth look at how credit unions can go about changing that mindset to get more out of loan applications.
Are Credit Unions Afraid to Do Market Research with Their Members?
“Don’t tell my members about how they can do that. They might start getting ideas!” Why do credit unions treat free to use products and features as something to hide from their members? Why not use that member curiosity to reconsider strategy? Dawn Moore, an investigation.
“We like the bigger receipts!”
What would happen at your credit union if you could suddenly no longer access your image vault? Would you shut everything down? Crawl under your desk? Or simply put into action the disaster recovery plan you’ve created and tested? One credit union found out in short order how valuable testing a plan can be when the real deal hits.
What Does a Successful Credit Card Portfolio Look Like?
For the past 29 years, the number one earning asset in the credit union industry has been the credit card portfolio. During the best and worst of times, by FAR the most consistent generator of revenue has been the credit card. So why aren’t credit unions pushing them more?
What Have I Got in My Pocket? (Hint: it’s not a ring)
What do you tell your friends when they ask where your nearest branch is? For Jeff Miller, it’s not far. He shares the in-and-outs of mobile remote deposit capture, its benefits, and everything you need to consider when launching it at your credit union.
The Misconceptions of Online Credit Cards
Why have credit unions continued to hold onto their off trial balance credit card portfolios? Heather French takes a look at the misconceptions around a switch, and why credit unions can benefit from moving their accounts over.
From Member to Board Chair: An Employee’s Perspective
From new to the credit union industry to CU board chair in five years, Kurt Hansen recounts his journey and suggests others follow in his foot steps, walking the talk, and engaging with credit unions and their leaders.
Lending on Character Rather Than Risk
What happens when you need a loan and it’s outside the lending policy? In Barb Cooper’s case, it meant only that she needed to talk to the credit union and with their help, they got her and her husband on the boat they wanted!
“I’m Not Your Daughter”, and Other Stupid Things You’re Doing
Is a generational approach to marketing the wrong way to approach your members. In so many words… Yes. Xtend CEO Liz Winninger explains why a blanket approach to marketing generations, which themselves contain wide ranges of ages, is a fool’s errand.