Investing: Should Credit Unions Be Doing More for Their Members?
Investing can be a complicated process, it can be difficult to know where to start. Should your credit union be doing more to reach out and help you take those steps? Kyle Karnes says yes.
Recapping the July NCUA Board Meeting
What’s going on with the NCUA’s capital budget? Vic Pantea deliverers notes on the July NCUA Board Meeting and some reasonable questions about budget changes.
Tips and Tricks for Effective Data Strategies
Data is difficult, but Thomas Hull will give you a helping hand and teach you what to do (and what not to do) with your data, and how to create effective strategies.
Are You Cutting the Ends Off the Ham?
John Beauchamp is here to help you figure out if what you’re doing has purpose, or if your just cutting the ends off your ham.
Success by Sharing
Sharing is the name of the game when it comes to credit unions. So how did two credit unions find new ways to share and cut costs? Ed Jesionowski tells all.
My First Weeks at CUSO Magazine
CUSO Magazine’s new junior editor and journalist, Emily Claus, reflects on her first few weeks at the magazine and a surprising case of culture shock.
Superbia, America’s First LGBTQ Credit Union, Signs Its Charter
Superbia Credit Union, America’s first credit union to serve solely LGBTQ people, signed its charter in Lansing on Monday.
Consulted Out of Relevance
When does it make sense to seek the assistance of a consultant? ATL FCU President/CEO Robert Shane gives his thoughts on where credit unions might be going wrong when dealing with consultants, and how they can maximize their return when a consultant is needed.
For the Love of Cold Calling
Not everyone is a fan of cold calling, but Connie Bradshaw can’t seem to get enough of it. Tackling her thoughts and methods, she details why she loves the practice – and you should too!
How Important is Budgeting to a Credit Union’s Financial Success?
Budgets determine the money, and money determines success, right? Becky Frankowski discusses the purpose of a credit union’s budget – and whether or not it’s essential to their financial success.