Spreadsheet Superpower: Using AI Assistants for Excel Formulas
As credit unions continue to find new ways to use and interact with AI, Daniel Kreuger shares how he uses the technology to support his daily work, particularly when creating spreadsheets and Excel formulas.
Cooking with CUSO Mag: Asian Credit Unions and a Pad Thai-inspired Sandwich
In the third edition of this exclusive series from CUSO Magazine, Esteban Camargo bridges the gap of credit union education and food blog… Learn about the landscape of Asian credit unions before making Esteban’s unholy (but surprisingly delicious!) marriage of peanut butter and ranch dressing: a Pad Thai-inspired sandwich.
Malvertising is the Spooky Threat NCUA Wants You to Know About
NCUA’s recently published letter to credit union boards highlighted “malvertising”, a cyber security threat that credit unions should be aware of. CUSO Magazine’s Esteban Camargo explains what it is and what you can do to mitigate the risk.
California Credit Union League and State Legislature Establish Financial Literacy Curriculum for Youth
As the importance of financial education is being increasingly understood, Robert Wilson of the California Credit Union League shares the recent success their league has had in supporting financial education legislation and the benefits the program will bring.
How Credit Unions Can Fight Back Against Account Takeover Fraud and Scams
With account takeovers becoming increasingly common and hitting credit unions the hardest, Sara Seguin shares how credit unions can stay in front of these attacks to better protect members.
The Overdraft Issue
Overdraft fees have long been the topic of debate, with the CFPB looking to severely limit or get rid of them entirely and credit unions, in return, looking to get rid of the CFPB entirely. But there are two sides, maybe even three, to every story. Emily Claus examines the overdraft issue, the various perspectives on it, and what potential outcomes there might be.
Why Learning Programming Can Be a Boon for Your Career in the Financial Industry
Learning the ins and outs of the programs you use everyday at the credit union can offer numerous rewards for both you, your credit union, and its members. Brendan Lindsey offers advice on how to get started and what resources are at your disposal.
CDFI, LID, and MDI: What’s the Difference?
The credit union world is chock full of acronyms. CUSO Magazine’s Esteban Camargo looks at community development financial institutions (CDFIs), low-income credit unions (LICUs), and minority depository institutions (MDIs); what they mean and the benefits each provide.
The Credit Card Competition Act and Its Implications for Card Rewards
As we continue this two-part series on interchange, Esteban Camargo discusses the Credit Card Competition Act of 2023, what supporters and opponents are saying about it, and what the aftermath of the 2010 Durbin Amendment might suggest is in store for credit cards.
One State, a Credit Union CEO, and Financial Literacy
This Financial Literacy Month, Chip Filson shares the story of how the state of Kentucky is working to increase financial education within the school system and how one credit union CEO is stepping up to the plate to support these efforts.