The Importance of Nurturing New Employee Relationships

The Importance of Nurturing New Employee Relationships

Kasey Olchowski explains the benefits of having regular check-ins with your employees, even after their orientation period, and what insights this can bring an organization.

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Time Management Tips for Project Coordinators

Time Management Tips for Project Coordinators

We are all guilty of getting distracted or overwhelmed at work and failing to manage our time as well as we could. But time management is an essential concept, especially for project coordinators. Thankfully, Kasey Olchowski has some pro tips on how to keep yourself organized and on task.

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Strategies For Managing Your Inbox

Strategies For Managing Your Inbox

Let’s be honest, most of us have inboxes overflowing with thousands of emails, some haphazardly marked with different levels of importance. This method leads to lost emails and things falling through the cracks. Kasey Olchowski offers some tips and tricks on managing your inbox instead of letting it manage you.

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Get to Know the Client Services and Education Team

Get to Know the Client Services and Education Team

Kasey Olchowski, Manager of the Client Services and Education Team at CU*Answers, offers some insight on the inner working of her team including their training, their mentorship program, and the support they offer to credit unions around the country.

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Onboarding: Making the First Day a Success

Onboarding: Making the First Day a Success

While there is no instant cure for first day nerves, Kasey Olchowski shares how credit unions can ensure new employees feel comfortable and confident starting their new position.

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The Benefits of Virtual Office Hours

The Benefits of Virtual Office Hours

Virtual Manager Kasey Olchowski shares her approach to virtual office hours and how they helped her stay engaged with her team from the other side of the country.

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From Manager to Virtual Manager: Methods for Staying in Contact with Your Team

From Manager to Virtual Manager: Methods for Staying in Contact with Your Team

While many of us are getting ready to return to our offices and desks, others are seeing work from home turn into a completely virtual position now and in the future. Whether in different offices or remote, how can managers help their teams in a virtual environment in the long term? Kasey Hawkins has a few ideas.

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To My Credit Union: Help Me Break Up With the Banks!

To My Credit Union: Help Me Break Up With the Banks!

This Valentine’s Day, Kasey Hawkins is looking to break up with the banks by calling on her credit union to make an appealing offer and lure her away from the clutches of big banks once and for all. Will she succeed?

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The Need for “Around-The-Clock” Customer Service

The Need for “Around-The-Clock” Customer Service

Living the nine to five life can make it difficult to do business with your credit union. Kasey Hawkins sees the need for around-the-clock customer service, and she has a few ideas on how her (and your) credit union can achieve that.

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