Ever wonder how you can contribute to the holiday spirit or give something to someone you might not even know? Well there’s always ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, Christmas caroling from door to door, serving a Thanksgiving dinner at a shelter, or delivering Meals on Wheels. There’s no limit to the number of ways you can give back this holiday season, but one great way, which takes only about an hour of your time, is donating blood!
Every minute of every day, year-round, people need blood for reasons such as cancer treatment, surgery, heart and blood vessel disease, and emergencies. That’s why the Communi7y Crew sponsors blood drives with Versiti (formerly known as Michigan Blood), a nonprofit blood bank with a “Michigan first” commitment to providing blood for Michigan hospitals.

Communi7y Crew Blood Drive from June 2019
The CU*Answers Communi7y Crew sponsored its twelfth semi-annual blood drive on October 30, 2019 with overwhelming success. Organizers were able to donate 17 pints of blood, which will impact 51 patients. For the first time, Versiti will also notify each donor which hospital received their donation. Donating blood is a great holiday gift to give, and getting to know where that donation is going helps the donor feel even more connected to the lives they are impacting.
Now, we still need bells ringing for the Salvation Army, the songs of Christmas carolers, and meals delivered or served at shelters – so go out and give some of your time wherever you see a need!
About Versiti
Versiti is a fusion of donors, scientific curiosity, and precision medicine that recognize the gifts of blood and life are precious. They are passionate about improving the lives of patients and helping their healthcare partners thrive.
About the Communi7y Crew
The Communi7y Crew was formed in June 2014 to promote community events that support the 7 Cooperative Principles (Voluntary and Open
Membership, Democratic Member Control, Member Economic Participation, Education and Training, Cooperation Among Cooperatives, and Concern for Community), which are the foundation of all credit unions.
The Communi7y Crew accepts events from any staff member that supports community outreach. Other events include Stuff the Bus, Toys for Tots, cancer runs, soup bowl painting (that provides soup in your painted bowls for a local food pantry), and participation in the annual MICareer Quest, a hands-on career and college readiness event for middle and high school students.