Theme: Prioritizing What We Take To the Future

This year’s CEO Strategies event is being replaced by a completely new event intended for CU developers and designers.

The 2018 CEO Strategic Developers Boot Camp signals a change in how CEOs and their business development executives can participate in creating the solutions our network will take to market. We’ll interact with CEOs and senior-level executives in our CUSO community who have a builder’s soul and want to work with us to build a future, based on what we all want to own and use.

As a CUSO, what do we want to manufacture? Unlike CEO School and Collaboration Workshop events, these sessions are not intended to be information-gathering or training sessions. During these unstructured sessions we’ll discuss approaches, select points of view, and then move forward to manufacture and deliver approaches to evolve for the next generation of solutions.

Who is the audience?

Senior-level executives in our CUSO community who have overall strategy responsibilities. Participants must be able to influence the business plans for a credit union investment, including the perspective of their investment in the CUSO. Participants would typically fall into the top two tiers of a credit union’s corporate structure.

We will be offering three 1 ½-day sessions, each with three half-day segments.

These sessions are for strategists and developers. They are not training sessions, and participants need to commit the credit union to new strategies.  – CEO Strategic Developers Advisory Committee 

Segment A: Designing the Future of Internet Retailing

  • Introductions, building a working team
  • What is the group’s vision for internet retailing in 2020-2029?
  • Selling loans via internet channels: What should we build now? (design for a 4th LOS engine)
  • Internet store shelves: How do we repeat the success of a fulfillment product like “skip a pay” internet sold services?

Segment B: Designing Teller Platforms for Our Future (T3-2019)

  • Reviewing where we are now and how we got there. Can CUs re-envision a toolset for tellers based on their branching strategies/tactics, not as a tool offering?
  • Platform 1 – The comprehensive teller line, all services in a single set. The Swiss army knife of member services and over-the-counter responses. Does it make sense? How do we tweak it?
  • Platform 2 – The teller line with a modern approach to a KISS (keep it simple stupid) design. A new expectation for over-the-counter services, augmented by today’s member service designs.
  • Platform 3 – The teller line unanchored (tellers on a tablet). What are the realistic expectations for a different physical approach?

Segment C: Designing the Future for Online and Mobile Tools (Online ‘19)

  • Reviewing where we are today with online banking for desktop and tablet approaches. How do we see the future of CU websites from both a CU and CUSO perspective?
  • A crossroads: The next generation of the current approach vs. going rogue for a new approach. Can we do both? Must we do both? Who will pioneer each set?
  • Adopting a member-authenticated CU website. How would CUs see the channel if they knew 80-85% of the visitors, and channeled differently the people they did not know?
  • Can we pull it off? A new approach to dual navigation and an orchestrated dance between the values of a website and the actions of a banking toolset.


  • David Damstra

    David Damstra is the Vice President of Marketing Services and Creative Director at CU*Answers. In addition, he is a Supervising Editor for CUSO Magazine. Joining CU*Answers in 2005, David has expanded the Web Services team products and offerings, while engaging the Marketing and Internet retailing teams. He is an architect behind the CU*Answers main website, CU*Answers Store and CUSO Magazine websites. In addition, David is a published author of Professional WordPress, now in its third edition.

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