The Importance of Nurturing New Employee Relationships

The Importance of Nurturing New Employee Relationships

Kasey Olchowski explains the benefits of having regular check-ins with your employees, even after their orientation period, and what insights this can bring an organization.

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The Dangers of Rumination

The Dangers of Rumination

Reflection is a powerful tool that can be used to better ourselves and our work. However, athlete and CEO Liz Winninger advises against reflecting to the point of rumination, which can have the opposite effect and end up demotivating employees.

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Onboarding: Making the First Day a Success

Onboarding: Making the First Day a Success

While there is no instant cure for first day nerves, Kasey Olchowski shares how credit unions can ensure new employees feel comfortable and confident starting their new position.

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Tips and Tricks for Creating a Successful Onboarding Program

Tips and Tricks for Creating a Successful Onboarding Program

Hiring and retaining quality talent can be challenging for any organization, but there are ways to give your credit union better odds. Tonya Cohen shares ideas on how to create a successful onboarding program and how the implementation of one altered her department completely.

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Cybersecurity, Certification, and the Credit Union

Cybersecurity, Certification, and the Credit Union

Leaving your credit union’s cybersecurity up to vendors and programs won’t help you be as prepared as you should be when it comes to potential risks. Patrick Schumaker shares his experience in getting cybersecurity certified and why your credit union employees should be too.

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Leadership Topics: the Art of Delegation

Leadership Topics: the Art of Delegation

Those in leadership positions can often be hesitant to delegate work, feeling that everything is their responsibility or that handing off tasks will result in less-than-perfect results. Letting go of such ideas can be difficult, but as Alycia Meyers notes, it benefits both the leader and their team in the long run.

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Are You Selling to Members?

Are You Selling to Members?

Cross-selling is an important aspect for credit unions, not just to promote products and services and increase revenue, but to support members in the most effective way possible. Keegan Daniel shares some ideas on how to make selling a success.

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Why Your Credit Union Should Offer CPR Classes

Why Your Credit Union Should Offer CPR Classes

Having staff at your credit union CPR certified can be the difference between life and death in a medical emergency. Ashton Dilts covers some of the main reasons offering these certification classes at your credit union is important and how you can get started.

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Creating a Tried-and-True Training Program

Creating a Tried-and-True Training Program

There’s no one perfect method for developing a great training program, but Sarah Ashby has created a tried-and-true system to make sure you have all your bases covered.

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