Exploring the Benefits of Electronic Documentation
In the current digital age, implementing an electronic documentation strategy of some kind is as essential as keeping the lights on. Matt Frizzle shares some of the benefits of adopting such a strategy and how you can get started.
Going Paperless: Remote Notaries, eNotaries, and Overcoming the Final 10%
In a follow-up to his lessons on going paperless, John Beauchamp covers why that last 10% of the process is so difficult to overcome, even when the technology is there and ready to use. Notarization may be the next domino to fall.
Are You Really Ready to Go Paperless?
It seems like everyone is obsessed with going paperless these days. While this can be money and time saving, it’s best not to dive in headfirst with unrealistic expectations. John Beauchamp will help you figure out where to go paperless, and where to take it slow.