Are You Helping Younger Members Save for Their Future?
Credit unions aren’t just for the adults, kids and teens need ways to save and prepare for their future as well. Samantha Seume covers some of the best ways to get the younger generations engaged with your credit union.
Balancing Marketing with a Member’s Sense of Urgency
What’s the best way to market to your members on mobile apps? How do you balance providing information with a member’s sense of urgency? Ken Vaughn discusses different mobile marketing approaches and how to be informative without roadblocking users.
How to Establish an Effective Press Release Strategy
Writing press releases can seem daunting, but Scott Collins wants you to know it doesn’t have to be. Aim to inspire everyone in your company to get writing and sharing about the work they do with these simple strategies.
Understanding Your ATM, Debit or Credit Card Portfolios
Heather French dives in on the importance of understanding your cards portfolio and how you can use this information to benefit not only your members, but the credit union as well.
Tips for Planning Your Corporate Holiday Strategy
If you work in event planning or in the corporate world like Stephanie Underwood, you know how important (and busy) the holiday season can be. Thankfully, she has some fun and unique ideas to help inspire holiday cheer for your employees and clients.
Fun Holiday Ideas for Your Credit Union
Credit unions are committed to giving back, as part of the seven cooperative principles. So how can your credit union lend a helping hand this holiday season? Barb Cooper has a few ideas.
If Cross Selling Is a Burden, You’re Doing It Wrong
Monica Boguszewski was terrified of cross selling, until she realized the opportunity it created for her members to learn about helpful services. Now, she wants to make sure your training your staff to do the same.
Why Aren’t Credit Unions Robbed in Movies?
If you’re an avid movie goer, you might have noticed that you don’t see credit unions in films that often. Is this irrelevant? Or does it signal a lack of brand awareness or a marketing shortcoming in the industry? Emily Claus has some theories.
What Millennials (and Pretty Much Everyone Else) Want
Millennials tend to be a bit of a head scratcher when it comes to guessing what will appeal to them the most. Thankfully, Megan Ernsberger has solved the mystery, and as it turns out, they’re just like everyone else!