The Power of Community
In the race to grow, credit unions might be losing out on an important aspect of what makes them so impactful: their local effect. Chip Filson shares how credit unions parallel local press in that way, and reinforces the importance of community.
Credit Unions and Small Businesses: A Niche Market You May Be Overlooking
As community-focused institutions, credit unions are often seeking more ways to get involved and support the neighborhoods they serve. Route 31 Credit Union’s Nick Green shares insights on a market credit unions should be working hand-in-hand with to build their communities, but tend to overlook: small businesses.
Digital and Branching Options
While digital strategies continue to be the hot topic within the credit union industry, Chip Filson says in-person is both sticking around and even growing among retailers, and some credit unions are paying attention.
The Legacy Effect of Credit Unions
As charitable organizations ask Chip Filson to become a legacy member, he reflects on one credit union’s lasting legacy and urges others to pay tribute to their founding and the reason they are around today.
USPS Banking Pilot Faces Legality Issues From Multiple Opponents
In September of 2021, the United States Postal Service announced it would begin a new program at a few select offices wherein people could cash their paychecks or business checks in exchange for gift cards. Participants could cash checks up to $500. The program at the time was met with...
Only Six People Have Participated in Postal Banking Pilot
David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily reports that a mere six people have participated in the United State Postal Service’s postal banking pilot program, USPS officials said.