House Financial Service Committee to Hold Hearing On Climate-Change Policies

House Financial Service Committee to Hold Hearing On Climate-Change Policies

On Tuesday, July 18th, the House Financial Service Committee will hold a hearing to discuss climate-change policy issues and whether financial regulators such as the NCUA can remain politically independent on the topic, reports Emily Claus.

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Advocating For Choice: Private Insurance

Advocating For Choice: Private Insurance

Per the Michigan Credit Union Act, all state-charted credit unions are required to use National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) as their deposit insurance provider. Julie Gessner argues this lack of choice only hurts members in the end and encourages legislative change.

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House Financial Services Committee to Consider CFPB Reform Legislation Ahead of Supreme Court Review

House Financial Services Committee to Consider CFPB Reform Legislation Ahead of Supreme Court Review

Continuing the never-ending debate on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the House Financial Services Committee has announced that it will consider new legislation that would completely overhaul the organization’s structure ahead of the Supreme Court’s review of the case, reports Emily Claus.

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Monthly Board Meetings: Necessary or Burdensome?

Monthly Board Meetings: Necessary or Burdensome?

As legislation aims to reduce required board meetings from monthly to six times per year, Emily Claus discusses the potential benefits and ramifications of such a change, with input from two long-serving board members.

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House Passes Credit Union Board Modernization Bill

House Passes Credit Union Board Modernization Bill

The House has passed the CUNA-supported Credit Union Board Modernization Act, which would alter the current board meeting requirements from monthly meetings to a minimum of six meetings per year. Emily Claus reports.

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Senators Concerned CDFI Fund May Be Circumventing Regulatory Process

Senators Concerned CDFI Fund May Be Circumventing Regulatory Process

The leaders of the Senate Community Development Finance Caucus are questioning whether CDFI Fund officials are short-circuiting the regulatory process as they consider major changes to the program, reports David Baumann of CUCollaborate.

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New Chairman of Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supports Cannabis Banking

New Chairman of Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supports Cannabis Banking

Representative Andy Barr, a Republican from Kentucky’s 6th district, was chosen to lead the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy, which was previously known as the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions, reports Esteban Camargo.

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Top 10 CUSO Magazine Articles of 2022

Top 10 CUSO Magazine Articles of 2022

As we move into 2023, the CUSO Magazine team took a moment to reflect on 2022 by sharing the most widely read articles of the year.

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Cannabis Banking Bills Face Slow Progress and Disappointment

Cannabis Banking Bills Face Slow Progress and Disappointment

Despite broad bipartisan support and a desperate need for clarity on the issue, cannabis banking bills are making little headway in the Senate. NCUA board member Rodney Hood has doubts they will make any significant progress soon, Emily Claus reports.

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The Credit Card Competition Act is Drawing Criticism from Credit Union Trade Groups

The Credit Card Competition Act is Drawing Criticism from Credit Union Trade Groups

A new bill from Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced in late July, the Credit Card Competition Act, is drawing the attention of the credit union industry, and not in a good way reports Esteban Camargo.

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