Risky Business: Why Leaders Should Consider the Unknown
Route 31 Credit Union’s Nick Green says waiting might be a bigger risk than taking the leap into new business ventures. Green shares what he believes good leaders must do to ensure their businesses don’t stagnate.
Herding Cats: Project Management as a Skill Set for Any Career
Project management is a career choice, but it’s also a skillset that can be developed to help you with your work and to get noticed at your organization. Dawn Moore shares some practical methods to manage projects to advance your career.
Resilient Forces: How to Align Workplace Culture for Strong Performance
Creating a healthy and strong workplace environment requires more than cultivating a strong relationship between the employee and the employer—it requires creating bonds between teams across the board, says Rhonda Sheets.
The Heartbeat of Fierce Leadership in Credit Unions
As financial institutions meant to represent trust, community, and cooperative values, credit unions need to prioritize integrity in leadership above all, says Caliann Alderman.
Talking at Your Team vs Talking to Your Team
Nick Green of Route31 Credit Union shares how credit union leaders can involve their employees in processes more and create a system of sharing and collaboration instead of endless lectures.
Takeaways from the CU*Answers 2024 Leadership Conference
CU*Answers held its Annual Leadership Conference discussing the future of the industry and of CU*Answers as it moves forward into 2025. Check out the key takeaways from each section of the event!
The Skill of Keeping Honest People Honest
Chip Filson discusses the most critical aspect of leadership and how the barriers we erect reduce, but don’t eliminate temptation.
Why an Oath for Credit Union Directors and Officers is Desirable
Chip Filson takes a look at oaths of office, whether they’re required of credit union directors, and if they should be.
Transparency: A Test for the Cooperative System
Chip Filson comments on transparency and credit unions’ ability and often motivation to keep members in the dark about their operations, and how they are learning this lesson from their regulator.
Listen and Launch: How Everence Federal Credit Union Will Change in the New Year
Nathan Anderson, Chief Operating Officer of rkGoBig, sat down with Kristen Heisey, CEO of Everence Federal Credit Union, to discuss her credit union’s growth strategy, her leadership tactics, and how to improve an already successful operation.