House Passes Credit Union Board Modernization Bill (Again)
The Credit Union Board Modernization Act, which brings down the requirement of credit union board meetings from monthly to six per year, passed the House and is onto the Senate for the second time, Emily Claus reports.
Monthly Board Meetings: Necessary or Burdensome?
As legislation aims to reduce required board meetings from monthly to six times per year, Emily Claus discusses the potential benefits and ramifications of such a change, with input from two long-serving board members.
House Passes Credit Union Board Modernization Bill
The House has passed the CUNA-supported Credit Union Board Modernization Act, which would alter the current board meeting requirements from monthly meetings to a minimum of six meetings per year. Emily Claus reports.
Congress Passes Funding, NFIP Extension, Goes Home with Work Undone
Congress managed to keep much of the federal government and the National Flood Insurance Program funded before leaving for the campaign trail last week but punted on many major issues—either preferring to consider them in a lame duck session or not at all, reports David Baumann of CUCollaborate.
Hauptman’s First NCUA Board Meeting: A Ray of Hope
Chip Filson reflects on Kyle Hauptman’s first NCUA board meeting, how he chose to break from the script, and what it may predict for the rest of his time on the NCUA.