Why Cash Still Matters in Today’s Economy
As many people, businesses, and institutions move away from cash, Jim Petit argues the importance of physical currency, why people still rely on it, and why we must protect it from disappearing.
America’s Credit Unions Calls On NCUA to Make Significant Changes During EGRPRA Review
In response to the NCUA’s call for comments regarding its voluntary regulatory review, America’s Credit Unions has submitted a letter calling for large changes including expanding field of membership and raising interest rate caps.
Reclaiming Civility in American Politics
Chip Filson references the change in political discussions as a reminder to credit unions not to fall into the same traps, and most importantly, to remember who credit unions are meant to serve.
The Science Behind Why Member Testimonials Work
Abigail Singrey says science should lead the way in credit union marketing, and that powerful stories and sharing how your members use your credit union will guide new customers through the door.
Succession Planning: Prepare Your Next Generation
A lack of succession planning can be a credit union’s downfall. Becky Frankowski urges credit unions to begin developing a succession plan now to set their credit union up for success in the future.
Illinois Law Restricting Interchange Fees Unites Banks and Credit Union Groups
Banking and Credit Union groups have joined forces to file a legal complaint in Illinois to oppose the recently signed Illinois Interchange Fee Prohibition Act. Esteban Camargo reports on the groups’ filing and the law it seeks to prevent.
It Might Not Be Broken, But You Should Still Fix It
It’s easy to get comfortable in routines and processes, especially when that’s the way they’ve always been done. But Holly Roberts encourages credit unions to step out of and reexamine their routine to see where there might be room for improvement.
Small Businesses Present Opportunities to Serve Your Community
Offering business membership and commercial lending is an opportunity not just for revenue, but also to serve your community. Esteban Camargo looks at the numbers and makes the case for kicking off your business servicing program soon.
Daily Care and Feeding of Today’s Data Center Part Two: Architecture
In part two of his series on applying a risk-based approach to managing today’s data center, Jim Lawrence covers the second aspect: architecture.
White House Proposes New Law to Crackdown on Chatbots and Automated Recordings
In a new government-wide measure announced on Monday, the Biden Administration is going to begin cracking down on poor customer service practices it feels waste consumers’ time and money, such as AI chatbots, automated call responses, bad review suppression, reports Emily Claus.