Don’t Drop the Ball: How To Handle the Great Wealth Transfer While Matching Core Credit Union Values

Don’t Drop the Ball: How To Handle the Great Wealth Transfer While Matching Core Credit Union Values

With the Great Wealth Transfer on the horizon, families will be relying on credit unions to help make the processes as painless as possible in their time of grief. CEO Saeid Kian encourages credit unions to review and modernize their inheritance systems for the benefit of both employees and members.

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It Might Not Be Broken, But You Should Still Fix It

It Might Not Be Broken, But You Should Still Fix It

It’s easy to get comfortable in routines and processes, especially when that’s the way they’ve always been done. But Holly Roberts encourages credit unions to step out of and reexamine their routine to see where there might be room for improvement.

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Daily Care and Feeding of Today’s Data Center Part Two: Architecture

Daily Care and Feeding of Today’s Data Center Part Two: Architecture

In part two of his series on applying a risk-based approach to managing today’s data center, Jim Lawrence covers the second aspect: architecture.

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Catering to Digital Natives: Bridging the Gap Between Branches and Digital Channels

Catering to Digital Natives: Bridging the Gap Between Branches and Digital Channels

Credit unions always strive to meet their members where they are, and in today’s society, where they are is online. Jennifer Dimenna shares some of the latest research on what digital tools consumers are looking for from their credit unions and how they can rise to the challenge.

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Three Benefits of AI For Credit Unions

Three Benefits of AI For Credit Unions

Artificial Intelligence has been a much debated technology in the past few years, but that won’t stop it from becoming commonplace eventually. Ashley LaBombard shares ways credit unions can leverage AI while keeping an eye open for risks.

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Interactive Teller Machines: Don’t Let Fraud Get You Down!

Interactive Teller Machines: Don’t Let Fraud Get You Down!

As credit unions rush to replace teller lines with ITMs, Kyle Karnes reminds them to evaluate the technology for fraud risks and place limitations where necessary to keep both the credit union and its members safe.

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Credit Unions Must Share Data to Fight New AI Fraud Risks

Credit Unions Must Share Data to Fight New AI Fraud Risks

With the quick rate at which technology develops and fraudsters methods developing at the same fast speed, Tom Oscherwitz encourages financial institutions to share any fraud data they may have to support the fight against them.

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The Seven Layers of Cybersecurity Defense

The Seven Layers of Cybersecurity Defense

There are seven layers of defense standing between hackers and your members’ data. Brian Henderson breaks down the seven layers and how you can fortify each one to further protect your credit union.

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UX Mistakes Driving Users Away From Your Website (and How to Fix Them) Part Two

UX Mistakes Driving Users Away From Your Website (and How to Fix Them) Part Two

Continuing his series on user experience, Sam Lechenet shares a few more tips on how to fix design flaws on your website and keep them from driving potential members into the arms of another financial institution.

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UX Mistakes Driving Users Away From Your Website (and How to Fix Them) Part One

UX Mistakes Driving Users Away From Your Website (and How to Fix Them) Part One

A website’s layout, tools, and features can make or break your credit union’s website. Potential members won’t wait around for your website to load or struggle to navigate your pages, they’ll simply move on. Sam Lechenet shares some design pitfalls to avoid and how you can best optimize your website to offer the best user experience.

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