Rating Examiners for a Stronger Cooperative System

Rating Examiners for a Stronger Cooperative System

While private businesses have incorporated user reviews to improve satisfaction, but few such examples exist between governor and governed. Chip Filson argues why credit unions needs a way to review examiners to improve the system.

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A Jubilee Event

A Jubilee Event

Read more at chipfilson.com “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” We say these words in the Lord’s prayer. Where have we seen this ever done in “real” life? Society, especially market-based ones, do not practice debt forgiveness. Capitalism is built on finance, i.e. all kinds of debt—corporate,...

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Transparency: the Co-op Leader’s Advantage

Transparency: the Co-op Leader’s Advantage

Transparency is an essential element of good leadership, argues Chip Filson. But how do CEOs achieve such openness and how can a CEO evaluate their success?

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Subdebt: The Fastest Growing Balance Sheet Account for Credit Unions

Subdebt: The Fastest Growing Balance Sheet Account for Credit Unions

As more and more credit unions take on sub-debt, Chip Filson ponders the incentive behind acquiring such debt, what risks come along with it, and how these accounts will play out in the long term.

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FOMO Business Decisions

FOMO Business Decisions

In the age where good things go quickly and buyers need to act fast to get what they want, Chip Filson cautions credit unions from falling into the habit of purchasing banks out of FOMO instead of member focus.

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A Fee that Credit Unions Should Review for Appropriateness

A Fee that Credit Unions Should Review for Appropriateness

Whereas some credit unions might see inactive accounts as a fee goldmine, Chip Filson argues that sneakily charging such accounts is potentially against credit unions’ founding principles and should be re-examined.

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The Credit Union Movement In Five Phases

The Credit Union Movement In Five Phases

Chip Filson applies Father Richard Rohr’s five stages of development to the evolution of the credit union industry.

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Jeanne D’Arc: A 110 Year Perspective on Sustaining Co-op Success

Jeanne D’Arc: A 110 Year Perspective on Sustaining Co-op Success

Chip Filson analyzes Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union’s 110 years of service and commitment to the community, along with lessons other credit unions can take away from its success.

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When the Most Important GAC Speaker Missed His Scheduled Appearance

When the Most Important GAC Speaker Missed His Scheduled Appearance

One schedule speaker was missing at GAC this year when he chose instead to help refugees at the Ukraine border; Chip Filson shares that speaker’s story and how he embodies the credit union creed of “people helping people.”

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Presidents and Credit Unions

Presidents and Credit Unions

Chip Filson shares when the credit union industry captured the attention of two very different U.S. Presidents.

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