Democratic Disruption at an Annual Meeting
Chip Filson shares the debate that occurred at SECU’s annual meeting and how it serves as a rare example of the often overlooked aspect of credit unions: coop democracy.
Do Credit Union Names Matter?
Juliet believed that names had little bearing on how something is treated or viewed. Chip Filson believes differently, arguing that credit union names—and name changes—can say something about how the institution sees itself and its members.
What Can Be Done About the Drought of New Credit Union Charters?
The credit union industry was founded based on need; those unable to secure financial services turning to their communities for help. Chip Filson argues that this founding nature is slipping away but can still return to its roots.
An Initial Reaction to the NAFCU-CUNA Merger
After the recent announcement of CUNA and the NAFCU’s intended merger, Chip Filson discusses the possible ramifications such a move could have on the credit union industry.
Digital and Branching Options
While digital strategies continue to be the hot topic within the credit union industry, Chip Filson says in-person is both sticking around and even growing among retailers, and some credit unions are paying attention.
First Lessons from a Credit Union’s CUSO’s Public Offering
Valuable lessons can be learned from Partner Colorado Credit Union and their CUSO subsidiary Safe Harbor Financial. Chip Filson shares what happened when Safe Harbor went public, and what credit unions might learn from the episode.
The Legacy Effect of Credit Unions
As charitable organizations ask Chip Filson to become a legacy member, he reflects on one credit union’s lasting legacy and urges others to pay tribute to their founding and the reason they are around today.
Respecting Cooperative Owners: The One Thing Essential
As the way in which credit unions interact with members has changed, so to have our attitudes regarding their role: owners or customers? Chip Filson discusses why it is so important to maintain members’ relationship with the credit union as owners.
A College Student’s First Credit Card
Chip Filson shares the story of Marit Hoyem and her experience attempting to get her first credit card as a young college student. Marit passes on what she went through and offers advice to credit unions seeking to make a difference in the lives of their members.
Cooperatives, Credit Cards, and Wealth Redistribution
A study from the Federal Reserve shows how credit card rewards programs represent a transfer of wealth from the naïve to the informed, the poor to the wealthy, relates Chip Filson.