Sink or Swim: Lessons Learned in Leadership
John Ballantyne shares the hard-earned lessons in leadership he discovered while launching a CUSO in the middle of a pandemic and how these lessons can be applied at your credit union.
How Members Turned A Credit Union Around
As a reminder that past is often prologue, Chip Filson recalls how State Department Federal Credit Union turned itself around back in the eighties after years of misused funds and lack of member transparency.
The Need for a Level Playing Field
Chip Filson points out one major area of difference between federally- and state-chartered credit unions: compensation transparency. Chip asks the question, why should FCUs be exempt from this basic level of accountability to their members?
Transparency: the Co-op Leader’s Advantage
Transparency is an essential element of good leadership, argues Chip Filson. But how do CEOs achieve such openness and how can a CEO evaluate their success?
Credit Unions and Transparency: Obligation or Risk?
CU*Answers CEO Geoff Johnson discusses a credit union’s obligation to be transparent and open with its members, along with the benefits and concerns that might follow that transparency.
Transparency and Trust Go Hand-in-Hand
A transparent organization engenders trust suggests Andrew Macmillan. What is your organization sharing with members and staff to earn their loyalty?