NCUA Awards $3.1 Million in 2023 CDRLF Round
The NCUA announced Thursday that it has awarded $3.1 million in Community Development Revolving Loan Fund grants to 142 low-income credit unions and MDIs, reports David Baumann of CUCollaborate.
NCUA Passes Rule to Remove Barriers to Credit Unions Working with Fintechs
During its eighth open meeting of 2023, the NCUA Board unanimously approved a new rule that will improve the ability of federally insured credit unions (FICUs) to partner with financial technology companies, reports CUSO Magazine’s Esteban Camargo.
CU Groups Applaud NCUA Minority Depository Institution Program, but Say More Work Needed
From tailored examinations to merger assistance, the NCUA has taken useful first steps in increasing assistance to MDIs, but more work is needed say industry trade associations and MDI credit unions. CUCollaborate’s David Bauman reports.
NCUA’s Alternating Examination Pilot Program May Lead to Decision Soon
Speaking with NASCUS recently, NCUA Chairman Todd Harper said the agency is taking its insights and lessons learned from the Alternating Examination Pilot Program to determine whether the project is worth formally adopting, reports Esteban Camargo.
No Successor Named as Hood’s Term Comes to a Close
As NCUA board member Rodney Hood’s term comes to a close, he has announced he has no intention of leaving until a new board member is nominated and confirmed, a process which could take months, reports Emily Claus.
As NCUA Assists Vermont Credit Unions Affected by Floods, GAO Takes Shot at National Flood Insurance Program
While NCUA is offering assistance to Vermont credit unions affected by historic flooding, the Government Accountability Office is urging FEMA to increase premiums on the National Flood Insurance Program to keep it from further sinking under water, reports CUSO Magazine’s Esteban Camargo.
NCUA Board Approves Updated Member Expulsion Rule
The NCUA board on Thursday, July 20, adopted a final rule making it easier for credit unions to expel members from their institutions for cause, such as violence or disorderly behavior, reports David Baumann of CUCollaborate.
House Financial Service Committee to Hold Hearing On Climate-Change Policies
On Tuesday, July 18th, the House Financial Service Committee will hold a hearing to discuss climate-change policy issues and whether financial regulators such as the NCUA can remain politically independent on the topic, reports Emily Claus.
NASCUS: NCUA Should Only Review FISCU Mergers for Share Insurance Risks
The NCUA should butt out of merger reviews of federally-insured, state-chartered credit unions (FISCUs) unless there is a safety and soundness issue that poses risks to the Share Insurance Fund (SIF), NASCUS said, in comments submitted to the agency.
NCUA to Test Provisional Charter to Solve ‘Chicken-or-Egg’ Dilemma
David Baumann of CUCollaborate reports that the NCUA will be able to start a pilot program by September designed to make it easier for organizers to start a credit union, officials from the agency’s Office of Credit Union Resources and Expansion told the agency board Thursday.