Are You Spring Cleaning Your Documents?
It’s time to dust off your document storage and clean the cobwebs off! David Etterman wants to make sure your credit union has an effective method for keeping your documents clean and in order.
Are You Doing Your Imaging Due Diligence?
There’s always room for error, even with the best systems. That’s why John Beauchamp wants to make sure you’re doing your imaging due diligence, so you’re ready for whatever comes your way.
We Need Paper Receipts Like We Need Plastic Straws
Why do we get straws by default when we don’t always use them? Why are we still printing receipts when the majority end up in the trash? Bob Anderson opines on our practice of printing receipts for everything, and why we should stop this practice in a time of digital solutions.
“We like the bigger receipts!”
What would happen at your credit union if you could suddenly no longer access your image vault? Would you shut everything down? Crawl under your desk? Or simply put into action the disaster recovery plan you’ve created and tested? One credit union found out in short order how valuable testing a plan can be when the real deal hits.