Continuity at the Core: The Drive for Continuous Improvement
In the final article in his series on business continuity, Jim Lawrence recaps the first six articles and covers ways to continue improving on your business continuity plan.
Continuity at the Core: Testing and Exercising Your Response
In the sixth installment of his business continuity and disaster recovery series, Jim Lawrence discusses testing and exercising your response plan and why it’s so essential.
Continuity at the Core: Resilience Starts with Awareness
Continuing his series on the importance of business continuity, Jim Lawrence discussed perhaps the most essential step of the process: training and educating your team.
Continuity at the Core: Documenting Your Response Plan
In the fourth installment of his series on Business Continuity Planning, Jim Lawrence recaps the first three articles and discusses how your plan should be laid out and documented.
Continuity at the Core: Continuity Strategies
In part three of his series on business continuity, Jim Lawrence discusses strategies in four distinct areas of your credit union to help eliminate downtime and stay on a budget.
Continuity at the Core: a Risk-Based Approach to Planning
In the second part of his series on business continuity and disaster recovery, Jim Lawrence covers critical decisions to consider when looking to reduce risk and achieve minimal downtime during various disasters.
Continuity At The Core: Planning For The Unexpected
In the first entry of his new series on business continuity, Jim Lawrence details the purpose behind business continuity and the overall benefits of having a plan that is consistently tested, updated, and improved upon.