CU*Answers’ Communi7y Crew Hosts Blood Drive
On Tuesday, June 7th, 22 CU*Answers employees signed up for the blood drive hosted by the CU*Answers Communi7y Crew and Versiti. Michelle Gavalya details how the day went and the importance of donating.
Takeaways from the 2022 CU*Answers Leadership Conference
CU*Answers held its Annual Leadership Conference discussing the future of the industry and of CU*Answers as it moves forward into 2023. Check out the key takeaways from each section of the event!
Building a Data-Centric Organization
Is your credit union ready to take the plunge into data analytics? Thomas Hull has some ideas to get you started and discover your data guru.
Bill Expanding Credit Union Fields of Membership Passed by House
On Wednesday, June 15, the House passed the Expanding Financial Access for Underserved Communities Act which will give federal credit unions the ability to expand their fields of membership to include underserved communities, reports CUSO Magazine’s Esteban Camargo.
Slow Down to Speed Up
When taking on a new project, we often get all too excited to speed ahead toward the finish line. But without knowing where we’re going, speed hinders progress, argues Mike Warren.
Pruning the Membership Tree
Not all growth is beneficial, and not all members are good for the credit union, argues data analyst George Hopper. But how best can you prune your membership tree without cutting off the wrong branches?
Leading with Competence, Not Position or Authority
Chip Filson recalls then NUCA chair Ed Callahan’s wise words to the industry back in 1982 and how they should impact and inspire credit union leaders today.
Maine Harvest Credit Union to Merge Only Two Years After Opening
Maine Harvest Federal Credit Union has announced it will be merging with other Five County Credit Union—only two years after its much-publicized opening. Emily Claus dives into the reasons behind the merge.
Restoring the Balance: Taking Personal Time in Today’s Market
Work-life balance is a buzzword that many businesses claim to prioritize today, but actually doing so is something different altogether. Jerry Collins explains some factors that may be upsetting the balance at your credit union and how you can work to improve these.
Are You Prepared for Succession Events?
Is your organization prepared for unexpected employee departures or even expected retirements? If one of your staff left tomorrow, do you know who would take over their responsibilities? Amber Overla explains how best to prepare for known and unknown succession events.