Practice What You Preach: Connecting with Employees

Practice What You Preach: Connecting with Employees

It’s one thing to preach a friendly work culture and tote open-door policies, but it’s another to actively practice them. As a long-term employee turned recent executive, Dawn Moore explains how she and her fellow managers connect with team members across the organization.

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The Struggle to Show Authentic Gratitude at Work

The Struggle to Show Authentic Gratitude at Work

When it comes to showing gratitude in the workplace, it can feel like something we often express out of habit, not sincerity. But gratitude should be given often and authentically to coworkers, bosses, and staff alike, argues Alycia Meyers, and she has a few ideas on how to begin making gratitude a consistent part of your company’s work culture.

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Geoff Johnson: Goals, Changes, and Lessons Learned During His First Year As CEO of CU*Answers

Geoff Johnson: Goals, Changes, and Lessons Learned During His First Year As CEO of CU*Answers

At the end of his first year as CEO of CU*Answers, CUSO Magazine sat down with Geoff Johnson to discuss his favorite moments, lessons learned, and plans for the coming year.

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The Benefits of Virtual Office Hours

The Benefits of Virtual Office Hours

Virtual Manager Kasey Olchowski shares her approach to virtual office hours and how they helped her stay engaged with her team from the other side of the country.

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How to Manage Employees in Tech-Based Roles When You Aren’t

How to Manage Employees in Tech-Based Roles When You Aren’t

Being a manager requires keeping up with all your employees and their work. But what do you do when tasked with managing an employee whose work you don’t understand? Sarah Sweet provides insight on managing IT by focusing on the person, not the task.

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Credit Unions and Transparency: Obligation or Risk?

Credit Unions and Transparency: Obligation or Risk?

CU*Answers CEO Geoff Johnson discusses a credit union’s obligation to be transparent and open with its members, along with the benefits and concerns that might follow that transparency.

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Five Tips to Improve Your Self-Awareness as a Leader

Five Tips to Improve Your Self-Awareness as a Leader

There are a number of traits that go into making a good leader, but Alycia Meyers argues that self-awareness is one of the most essential skills, and she relays a few tips on how to improve yours.

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Leadership Topics: The Power of the Pause

Leadership Topics: The Power of the Pause

Continuing her series on executive leadership, Alycia Meyers conveys the importance of stepping back and taking time to reflect and think before acting.

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How to Build a Happy Workforce

How to Build a Happy Workforce

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to making your employees happy, Amber Overla provides some great places to start along with a few ways to show your staff they’re appreciated.

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CU Pride Strives to Increase LGBTQ Representation in the Credit Union Industry

CU Pride Strives to Increase LGBTQ Representation in the Credit Union Industry

Linda Bodie, Chief + Innovator of Element Federal Credit Union, went two decades without coming across another LGBTQ+ member in the credit union industry. Now, she’s a co-founder of CU Pride, an organization for LGBTQ+ credit union employees. Emily Claus sat down with Bodie to learn more about the organization’s creation and goals.

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