Supporting Real-time Payment Networks During Business Continuity Events

Supporting Real-time Payment Networks During Business Continuity Events

As we wrap up Business Continuity Week, Bob Anderson shares how you can set your credit union’s infrastructure up for success to keep critical functions such as real-time payments accessible during business continuity events.

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Supporting Service Vendor Diversity as a CUSO

Supporting Service Vendor Diversity as a CUSO

As CUSOs, we often like to believe our line of products and services are the best fit for everyone. However, as Bob Anderson suggests, one size does often not always fit all, and offering a wide selection of vendors to choose from can only benefit your credit unions in the long run.

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We Plan to Change

We Plan to Change

As Bob Anderson notes, change is inevitable. It’s how your organization chooses to plan for and respond to change that will determine its outcome. What steps has your credit union taken to prepare for changes in leadership, policy, and the market?

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Why We Stand Up

Why We Stand Up

Bob Anderson and his team are ready to stand up for you and your credit union–are you ready to stand up for your members? Anderson details why stand up meetings are essential and how they benefit your team and clients.

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Understanding the Member Perspective: An Experiment

Understanding the Member Perspective: An Experiment

Taking a step back from the CUSO end of things, Bob Anderson experiments with seeing things from the members’ perspective and walking in their shoes to see what he can learn and where his CUSO can improve.

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We Need Paper Receipts Like We Need Plastic Straws

We Need Paper Receipts Like We Need Plastic Straws

Why do we get straws by default when we don’t always use them? Why are we still printing receipts when the majority end up in the trash? Bob Anderson opines on our practice of printing receipts for everything, and why we should stop this practice in a time of digital solutions.

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