Time Management Tips for Project Coordinators


We’d all like to get more done in less time, right? Time management is about planning the use of your time effectively to maximize productivity. If done well, expect to be rewarded with benefits like less stress, boosted self-confidence, less procrastination, and more time to work on creative projects or strategic planning.

Strategies for time management

1. Stay organized

Staying organized is crucial to effective time management. Some are naturally organized while others have difficulty. Luckily, organizational skills can be learned!

Start by keeping your workspace clean and neat. A messy desk can be distracting, and your workspace should be a physical representation of your time management strategy—orderly and efficient.

Clean up your computer files and shared drives. Put some thought into how your files and documents are organized on your workstation. You’ll be able to operate more efficiently if your file system is structured reasonably and with purpose. If you have a retention schedule for certain docs, consider organizing files by month/year so these docs can be purged easily. If it’s a shared drive, get structural consensus from the team before making any changes.

Calendars are your friend, not your enemy. Use a calendar to schedule and organize your work-related and personal tasks. Effective time management is helpful for the workplace and home life. Keep both in balance by using a calendar as a helpful tool.

2. Keep a daily schedule

Don’t leave large blocks of open time to “just get it all done.” Schedule time to complete certain tasks and stay devoted to completing the task during that timeframe. Make sure to set a realistic amount of time per task which can take some trial and error to do proficiently. Avoid distractions like your phone or unnecessary open browser tabs.

3. Prioritize

Identify the priority level of everything on your short and long-term to-do lists. This will help you determine which tasks must be done immediately, scheduled for later, or delegated to someone else. This process can also take some trial and error to become proficient, but practice makes perfect!

4. Budget your time

Just like you should know how much money you’re spending, you should know how much time you’re spending. Keep a log of how much time you’re spending on specific tasks. This will help you uncover any bad habits where your time is being used unproductively.

5. Learn when to say no

We only have so much gas in the tank. Avoid sloppy work by knowing your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, and be willing to say no. Delegate tasks as needed and don’t view delegation as a burden to the recipient, but rather an opportunity for growth.

Everyone wins

Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to maximizing productivity and minimizing stress. Effective time management will benefit you, your team, and your organization. Good luck!


  • Kasey Olchowski

    Kasey joined the network in Fall of 2012 and has over 10 years of experience in the Credit Union industry. She started with the Xtend Team where she became an expert in the Call Center and Marketing Functions of CU*BASE. The more she explored the Core System she found herself applying for an Account Executive position on the SettleMINT EFT Team where she became responsible for migrating over 100+ Credit Unions to an upgraded Bill Pay platform. In addition, Kasey has experience with coordinating Core Conversions from her days on the Conversions Team making her very familiar with our Third-Party Relationships within the network. Now Kasey manages the Client Services and Education Team and has been doing so proudly since October 2018. In December 2020, her and her family relocated from Grand Rapids, MI to Las Vegas, NV as a part of the company’s initiative to bring our cooperative values to the West Coast. Kasey is invested in hiring, training, and coaching new staff at our Innovation Center and actively seeks opportunities to turn everyday interactions into a learning experience – not only for her staff but for everyone within the network.

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