Michigan Legacy Credit Union Launches New Mobile Video App and Revamped Website


New virtual branch delivers credit union services and handles non-cash transactions with real-time face-to-face video tellers

Pontiac, Mich. — July 10, 2020 — Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU) announced that its owners will now be able to conduct non-cash transactions without having to enter any of its six physical branches with the launch of a new mobile app that provides credit union services—such as opening an account, changing an address, applying for and closing on a new loan, including mortgages—via the Pop I/O video teller platforms.  In conjunction with the app launch, MLCU revealed an updated website to further address the influx of online banking activity.

According to President and CEO Carma Peters, the move to heighten online banking options has been in the works since 2019, when MLCU made the strategic decision to update branches with a smaller footprint, including some in new locations, introduce a new design theme, and adopt video tellers. The impact of the pandemic has affirmed this direction, Peters said, as the shift to online banking has been dramatic: MLCU reported 50,000 more online transactions in April than in March—a 38% increase.

“While we still welcome owners to come to our branches in Flat Rock, Garden City, Highland, Pontiac, Warren and Wyandotte,” Peters said, “we are positioning the mobile app as our ‘new branch’ to offer owners yet another option to bank from their phones, computers or tablets.”

The new branch can be downloaded to electronic devices from MLCU’s website, or found in Apple  and Google Play stores under “Michigan Legacy Member Connect.”

MLCU also launched an updated website featuring a new interface that makes information easier to find, reflects a shift toward online banking, and addresses COVID-19 updates. It does not publish interest rates and teaser rates on its website for the sole purpose of encouraging members to reach out to MLCU directly for personalized financial solutions that meet their specific needs.

“With so many economic uncertainties, our owners are wading through some challenging waters now,” Peters said. “We want them to connect with us directly to learn how to best address their banking and lending needs, rather than offer cookie cutter solutions. It’s the personal relationships and targeted advice that remain the hallmark of the credit union experience.”

About Michigan Legacy Credit Union

Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU) is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative serving members who live, work, worship, attend school, or own a business in the state of Michigan. Michigan Legacy Credit Union is committed to providing quality financial services at a competitive price, delivered professionally and efficiently while keeping member/owners and their needs first. For additional information on MLCU, visit: www.michiganlegacycu.org


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