Social Media Content and 70-20-10 Rule


One of the first things you’re taught in writing classes is that before you ever start writing you should first consider your audience. Who are you writing for, what message do you want to convey to them, and what is the most effective way to do so? Although you might not think it, social media follows the same rule when it comes to what content you share.

Every social media platform is unique and so is the audience it attracts. Your social media content should consider each of these different audiences and tailor your messages with each of these target groups in mind.


Facebook is the most widely used of all social media platform across all demographics. According to Pew Research, 69% of US adults use Facebook. The age groups of users are evenly spread, so your audience on Facebook will be the most encompassing. Over half of these users log on several times a day, which is a good thing to note when deciding whether to publish multiple posts in one day. Character limit is not an issue, so use this platform to write complete thoughts that capture everything you want to say. Include images and links to draw your audience in. Hashtags can be used but are not nearly as effective here as other platforms.


In the U.S., Twitter’s largest demographic is 18-29 year old males. Compared to Facebook, only 25% of Twitter users log on several times a day, so you might want to reconsider before posting multiple times. With the 280-character limit Twitter enforces on each post, you need to keep your content simple and concise. Hashtags play an important role in your posts too. Twitter users in particular are drawn to what hashtags are trending, so be sure to always include a hashtag and be part of the larger conversations going on.


The younger demographics are also found on Instagram, with users logging on several times a day. Posts revolve around images, so that should be your main source of content. You’re competing with the user’s friends, family, and favorite celebrities for their attention, so the image you use should be eye catching and entice the user to read more about it. Hashtags are just as important here as on Twitter, so don’t hesitate to throw some in your post.


The goal of LinkedIn is to increase business networking. Over half of all college graduates use LinkedIn, their main demographic being users that are 25-49 years old who are college educated and have an annual income of $75k or more. Your posts should include press releases or company changes that might not interest much of your membership base but would be of some interest or importance to business people. It is important to showcase the business side of your credit union to attract potential star employees or showcase your success in the credit union industry. The more professional aspect of LinkedIn means that emojis cannot be used, but hashtags still have a place here.

I know my audience, now what?

A good rule of thumb is to follow the 70-20-10 formula. This rule breaks down your content into what you should focus on and how to draw in the interests of your members.

70% of your content should be the feel-good brand building posts. Showcase what your credit union has done for the community, spotlight an employee, post a funny video, or drive engagement with “Love your pet day” or something similar. Post whatever you think fits your brand and shows off your credit union’s personality and voice. This should never include products or services you offer.

20% should be relevant content to your members that has been shared from a trusted resource. For example, an article from the IRS about tax season or an article from CUNA about online scams to avoid would work well here. Keep in mind your audience and what they would be interested in. This will drive their trust in you by having pertinent information from reliable sources.

The last 10% is where you can do all your promotions. Check out RV loans in the summer at a great low rate! How about a new house just in time for Christmas? Have you heard about our new mobile app? If you have followed the formula correctly, you should have already built up engagement and interest, so these promotional posts are more likely to appear on your members’ feed. By having more brand building and informational posts, these promotional posts being sprinkled in will not feel as salesy to members and there is less of a chance that the member unfollows or hides your posts in the future.

It’s not an exact science

While the 70-20-10 rule is a good guideline for you to follow, no one knows your members quite like you do. Play around with your social media and see what works for them and what doesn’t. Remember, the ultimate goal of your social media is to engage and educate your members, so your content should reflect that!


  • Avalon Cassel#1

    July 1, 2020

    Thank you for breaking down all the socials media and the great 70-20-10 tip!

    • Carma S Peters#2

      July 1, 2020

      Awesome Megan, great information and very insightful. ***** 5 stars

  • Jeff Rabanus#3

    July 7, 2020

    Great job Megan. I like the rule of thumb for content.
    Keep it up!


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