Interested in advertising with CUSO Magazine?

CUSO Magazine is a publication that is tailored around delivering relevant, timely, credit union-related content to a niche audience of leaders in the industry. From solutions to granular technical problems to big-picture industry theories, CUSO Magazine has you covered with articles written by seasoned veteran leaders in their fields of expertise.

CUSO Magazine publishes content on a daily basis with instant digital availability at A free-of-charge subscription service is also offered to visitors which delivers an email digest once per week. Additionally, select content from is published in a printed issue of CUSO Magazine that is distributed twice a year at conferences, trade shows, other events, and mailed directly to credit union industry leaders, partners, and peers.

Summer 2023
Winter 2022
Summer 2022
Winter 2021

Types of advertisements

CUSO Magazine offers a three different advertising platforms including on our digital site, in our weekly subscriber email, and in our print editions, which are distributed to those in the credit union industry.

In addition to banner and photo advertisements, CUSO Magazine offers sponsored articles through our digital and print media.


CUSO Magazine has experienced fantastic growth since its debut in early 2019. The publication’s tone and intention is tailored toward a specific network and audience of credit unions and industry related partners and peers.

In addition to website traffic, our magazine is distributed at tradeshows, conferences, and other industry related events.

Media kit 

If you’d like to see CUSO Magazine’s full media kit, are interested in advertising with us, or you have further questions, please fill out the contact form below or email us at

Past editions

Featured below are CUSO Magazine’s past print editions which feature some of our most popular articles as well as examples of past advertisements.

Placement options

Our website ad content includes leaderboard banners and square shaped spaces on the homepage and in articles. Print offers half page and full page advertisements with several different placement options such as the inside front cover, inside back cover, outside back cover, or any page within CUSO Magazine. Our email advertisement only has one placement which is a leaderboard banner at the very top of the email.


Advertisements can be purchased individually or in packages for one week or one month periods.

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