CUNA Associate Business Membership Thrives Amid Rising Credit Union Advocacy Interest


Amid an increasingly complex legislative landscape, interest in credit union advocacy has seen a significant uptick, fueling growth in Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Associate Business Membership.

“More businesses than ever recognize the value of partnering with the leading advocate for credit unions to help navigate the industry’s evolving challenges and opportunities,” said Michelle Johnson, CUNA Associate Business Membership Manager.

One such challenge is the proposed Interchange legislation by Congress – the Credit Card Competition Act – which threatens to significantly impact the way credit unions operate. The current interchange payment system – which benefits consumers, credit unions, and merchants alike plays a crucial role in maintaining the robust security, fraud detection and credit monitoring services that consumers have come to rely on.

With the urgency to protect consumers’ credit, CUNA’s critical role in advocacy has come to the fore. They have been actively working alongside leagues and other financial services industry partners to stop this legislation. As awareness and concern about these issues grow, CUNA’s Associate Business Membership has seen a corresponding increase, with four businesses this month joining forces to bolster collective advocacy efforts.

CUNA is proud to welcome four new Associate Business Members this month: Mitel, COLAB, CURevl, and CU Healthcare PayCard. 

“These companies’ commitment to the credit union movement and to CUNA’s advocacy efforts underscores the growing recognition of the need for a strong, unified voice to protect and advance the credit union industry,” said Johnson.

Mitel is a global market leader in business communications, helping more than 100 countries leverage technology to connect, collaborate and better serve their customers.

“Mitel is excited to offer further support to credit unions across the country through our CUNA membership,” said Frank Skiffington, senior vice president, Americas at Mitel.

Also joining the ranks of associate members is COLAB, an innovative digital agency committed to empowering credit unions and other organizations to break the costly cycle of website redesigns through its unique WebOps framework.

“COLAB is thrilled to join Credit Union National Association as an Associate Business Member. Together, we aim to pave the way for a thriving credit union movement in the digital era,” said Morgan Witham, CEO at COLAB.

CURevl is a Credit Union Service Organization (CUSO) revolutionizing the way credit unions attract new members, enhance existing memberships, achieve target yields, and create liquidity. CURevl strives to be a lifetime education partner for credit unions.

“Our mission of partnering with credit unions is greatly enhanced by this association,” stated Lance Teinert, CEO at CURevl.

CU Healthcare PayCard is the first and only healthcare payments CUSO offering a comprehensive suite of healthcare-related financial solutions for credit unions.

“CU Healthcare PayCard is excited to join CUNA as we introduce transformative changes to healthcare that benefit society at large,” said Paul Clampitt, principal at CU Healthcare PayCard.

CUNA, as the most influential credit union advocacy association, believes in the power of collective voices. Each new associate business member contributes to the advocacy efforts, deeper relationships and a stronger credit union movement.

About CUNA:
Credit Union National Association (CUNA) advocates on behalf of America’s credit unions, which are owned by more than 135 million consumer members. CUNA, along with its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, delivers unwavering advocacy, continuous professional growth and operational confidence to protect the best interests of all credit unions. For more information about CUNA, visit To find your nearest credit union, visit


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