Community Crew Provides Basics to Children in Need – Even Superman Had Foster Parents


Superman, however, had supernatural powers that gave him the ability to save his community and combat evil. Kids moving into foster homes won’t have access to those supernatural powers, but they might get access to the basics of everyday life to ease their transition into a caring life with their new foster family.

“If you can help a child, you don’t have to spend years repairing an adult.” To fulfill that quote, the Communi7y Crew worked with D.A. Blodget – St. John’s to promote donations of backpacks filled with items foster kids need when moving to their new home.

D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s has protected children from abuse and neglect since 1987. It is an agency that works in partnership with our community for the good of all children. They are local, non-profit and accredited. They provide comprehensive services to children and families, including Big Brothers Big Sisters, foster care, adoption, and family support, as well as, residential treatment and emergency shelter care at St. John’s Campus.

The 2019 Kid’s Backpack event was the largest of our three efforts with 55 back packs filled with clothes, toys, toiletries and blankets that will give each foster child a sense of owning something of their own, when many barely have the clothes they have on. The donations included items for babies all the way up to teenagers.

“Giving really does return to the giver ‘good feelings’!” said Cindy, a member of the Crew.

Michelle, also a Crew member, chimed in with an overall thank you: “Way to go Communi7y Crew and all those who participated by filling a backpack. Yesterday 55 rays of sunshine brightened a dark, dreary, rainy day!”

The Communi7y Crew takes pride in helping not-for-profit charities in the community, fulfilling the 7th Cooperative Principle: Concern for Community. The Crew has over 15 members and works each year to promote the efforts of local charities.


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